Derwen Garden Centre PV Installation

Derwen Garden Centre PV Installation

Derwen Garden Centre PV Installation

Derwen Garden Centre in Guilsfield, Welshpool have had a 69kWp solar PV installation done by ourselves to help them reduce energy costs.

They have had 184 Longi Solar, LR4-60HPH Solar Panels installed over three buildings as well as 1 Solar Edge 50K Inverter and 92 P801 Optimizers.

What is the Longi Solar, LR4-60HPH Solar Panels?

The Longi Solar, LR4-60HPH Solar Panels is a low LID Mono PERC with half-cut technology. Offering a 10-year product warranty and 25 year linear power output warranty, it has a black frame and white back sheet.

What is Derwen Garden Centre?

The Derwen is a family run business, where they pride themselves on their extensive range of plants, and on our knowledgeable staff who are always on hand to offer advice. Their relationship with the Dingle Nurseries means they are unique as a garden centre, having access to a huge range of plants and at prices you just won’t believe.

You can explore the themed gardens for some inspiration, leaving the kids to get lost in the maze. They also have a restaurant that serves a range of local drinks alcoholic or not, with daily specials and homemade cakes, as well as a classic snack menu. The shop has something for everyone and anyone, from air cleaning house plants to woolly socks, and a range quality sundries. And last of all they have a excellent farm shop that make some of the best local produce for dinner

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E-Factor Properties – Grimsby Enterprise Village

E-Factor Properties – Grimsby Enterprise Village

E-Factor Properties – Grimsby Enterprise Village

Grimsby Enterprise Village teamed up with their business support organisation (E Factor) to invest in the installation of a 36.75kWp solar PV system on to the roofs of the Enterprise Village’s units, located on Prince Albert Gardens in Grimsby. The solar PV installation delivered by Genfit, now means the businesses operating from the site are consuming the renewable energy generated on the roof, rather than drawing power from the Grid.

Natalie Cresswell, Property & Operations Manager at E-Factor, said: “We’re always looking at ways to enhance our tenancies and with forecasted increases in electricity prices, we knew we wanted to make further investments into sustainable, renewable energies. We’re committed to making the whole site more environmentally friendly, and this new installation will enable us to help protect our tenants against some of those increases in energy prices, as well as reducing their carbon footprint.”

98 solar PV panels were installed across the whole building, estimated to generate 30.79MWh per annum. The energy generated will provide some of the electricity for each individual unit and will reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 8.65 tonnes per annum. Surplus power will be fed back into the National Grid.

Laser Red, an award-winning digital agency, have been tenants of The Enterprise Village since 2015. Managing Director, Liam O’Leary said: “We have an ever-expanding team who are all using different forms of technology from our office, whether they’re online or using video and photography equipment in our new media studio, so it’s great to know that E-Factor are taking action now to help reduce electricity costs for the future, and doing their part for the environment too.

What is the Enterprise Village?

The Enterprise Village offers various offices and units to both new and established businesses. Incorporating a managed reception, access to meeting rooms, ample parking and on site business support from qualified business advisors. The Enterprise Village provides modern, professional office accommodation in a location that is both close to the town centre and the A180.

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Brighton Energy Cooperative – Medisort, Brighton

Brighton Energy Cooperative – Medisort, Brighton

Brighton Energy Cooperative – Medisort, Brighton

This case study is connected with our two previous case studies BCMY and R.T Page and Sons as they were all part of a hat-trick of PV Installations delivered by Genfit after linking up with our client down in Brighton (Brighton Energy Cooperative).

The 60 kWp PV Installation was installed across the Medisort building in Brighton, containing 220 BYD270P6C-30 solar panels, 110 P600 optimizers and 2 SolarEdge 27.6K Inverters.

Benefits of a PV Installation with us

  • Warranty – 25 years power optimizer warranty, 12 years inverter warranty, extendable to 20/25 years at low cost, monitoring free for a lifetime.
  • Safety – SolarEdge systems feature increased safety, minimising both fire risk and electrocution risk

What is Medisort?

They are the clinical waste management company for all types of businesses

For the disposal of sharps from dentists, vets, tattooists and hospitals, to sanitary, offensive and clinical waste in care homes, beauty salons and GP surgeries, they deal with the discrete removal and paperwork for all types of waste.

Medisort aims to deliver a bespoke service to all of our customers:

  • Maximising segregation
  • Ensuring full compliance
  • Delivering cost reductions
  • Reducing Environmental impact

They will deliver this using their unique technology, knowledge and proficiency that are brought to the fore by having dedicated staff with years of experience within the industry.

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Screwfix Solar PV Installation

Screwfix Solar PV Installation

Screwfix Solar PV Installation

This 90 PV Module solar system was installed on behalf of Kingfisher in Peterborough. Our Client, Solar Century that now goes by the name of Statkraft asked about the prospect of having a solar system installed on the Screwfix Stores roof. The outcome of what was being installed was 90 x Canadian Solar All-Black CS6K-270m solar panels and two different inverters, the Solax ZDNY 10000 and the Solax X3-Hybrid-10.0T. The Peterborough store marks the first time Kingfisher has used solar panels or air source pumps together with battery storage to power operations around the clock.

Power is generated by the solar panels during the day, and excess energy is used to charge the batteries which power the store in the evenings. The air source heat pump has replaced gas and electric heating, and together with the solar PV system, heats the store more efficiently. Surplus power goes back to the grid, off-setting the days in winter when the solar PV will be generating less power and grid energy is needed to power the store.

Graham Bell, CEO at Screwfix, commented: “We are investing now to cut energy across our own operations, and our long-term aspiration is to match this by helping customers have zero carbon or energy positive homes and businesses too. Our net zero store in Peterborough represents a significant milestone in our ambition to embed sustainability across the business, and help customers to create good, sustainable homes and businesses.”

If you have a store and looking to go solar then don’t forget to send us an enquiry with the form below!

What is Solar Century/Statkraft

Solarcentury was the UK’s largest solar company before Statkraft bought them out for £117.7m last year. The deal will give Statkraft access to 6GW of solar projects pipeline in Europe and South America. Statkraft has been making clean energy possible for over a century. They are Europe’s largest renewable energy producer and a global company in energy market operations. They develop and operate renewable energy assets within hydropower, wind, solar, gas and biomass, supply district heating and buy and sell energy.

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Staveley Mill Yard, Kendal – PV Installation

Staveley Mill Yard, Kendal – PV Installation

Staveley Mill Yard

Staveley Mill Yard is a four-acre site comprised of over 20 retail and industrial units, in the centre of Staveley village, it is situated near to both Kendal and Windermere and close to central Lake District. The PV installation will be installed across various buildings and the overall power generated from the 1533 solar panels works out at 574.78 kWp. We will also be installing 9 inverters which will be fitted into a container and 774 P801 optimizers which are connected to the solar panels. There were different designs of SolarEdge inverters installed such as the 27.6K, 82.8K, 25K, 55K and 50K.

It is estimated that this installation will produce about 1,500,000 kilowatt hours a day, but this does depend on how good the weather is. Staveley Mill Yard isn’t just in it for themselves either as there planning to give back to the community and help the rest of the Staveley village by exporting energy back to the grid. They estimate that they only use 1,100,000 kwh of their solar production which leaves them with 400,000 kwh to hand to the village.

Installed DC Power (kWp)

Max Achieved AC Power (kW)

Annual Energy Production (MWh)

CO2 Emission Saved (Tonnes)

Equivalent Trees Planted

The owner of Staveley Mill Yard David Brockbank was asked a few questions about the installation.

How do you feel about the project?

“Excellent, everyone should be doing it. I would like Staveley to be carbon neutral by 2030”

Is there anything else that you would like to say about the PV project?

“The village benefits hugely from the solar energy exported to the village. It would be good if we calculated the village’s carbon footprint and then worked on reducing it. I would be happy to help and share our knowledge and experience”

We are delighted that this project won an award at the Energy Efficiency Awards for being the Regional Large Scale Project of the Year.

The 2021 Regional Large Scale Project of the Year Award rewards one exceptional project, in each of the 11 Regional areas around the UK, where energy efficiency measures of more than £250,000 have been installed.

This award recognises the efforts of all those involved locally in delivering a successful large scale energy saving project, while maintaining excellent customer service that demonstrates a high standard of quality workmanship throughout the project.

You can find out more about this award by heading to the Energy Efficiency Awards website.


Solar Panel

Longi Solar LR4-60HPH x 1533


12 Years Product Warranty


20.3 – 20.9%


1755 x 1038 x 35mm


19.5 kg


Solaredge 27.6k x 1

Solaredge 82.8k x 2

Solaredge 25k x 2

Solaredge 55k x 1

Solaredge 50k x 3


P801 x 774


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